Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Recollecting on Oklahoma

Now that God has shown us a way back to Minnesota and called us back there, I find myself recollecting on our journey down here and the purpose of it all. As I think about it, I realize how important each one of us are to God. My brother Derek was so important to Him that He called us, a family of six, to move away from all that we've known and was important to us into a foreign land with many tears and sadness, just so Derek would come into a relationship with Him. Our salvation is so important to Him that while it may make Him sad, doing things like He did to our family is worth it for the salvation and promise of heaven for one soul.

I'm reading this book called "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn (thanks again Rachel!), and here's a section I'd like to share:

"For every American who believes he's going to Hell, there are 120 who believe they're going to Heaven. This optimism stands in stark contrast to Christ's words in Matthew 7:13-14: 'Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.'"

"No one goes [to heaven] automatically. Unless our sin problem is resolved, the only place we will go is our true default destination. . .Hell. We dare not 'wait and see' when it comes to what's on the other side of death. We shouldn't just cross our fingers and hope that our names are written in the Book of Life (Revelation 21:27). We can know, we should know, before we die. And because we may die at any time, we need to know NOW, not next month or next year. The voice that whispers , 'There's no hurry; you can think about this later,' is not God's voice."

Because it's of utmost importance, I would move across the country again if it meant one person's salvation and receipt of eternal life. Praise God for His love towards each one of us!!

1 comment:

Steph Lewis said...

You're moving back to MN!?!?! Sweet! I'd love to hook up once you're back. Let me know if you need anything!