Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sorrowful Weekend

This past Thursday morning, I received a phone call from my sister saying that my grandma had a massive heart attack and hadn't survived. If you remember from my July posting, you'll know that I was so glad to have seen my grandma during our visit up here then. (Check July posts for a picture too.) You can imagine how much more glad I am now for that visit. It's been a tough weekend but we are happy for Grandma that she can shed that sick, earthly body and start the beginning of her eternity. She gave me so many wonderful memories that I will cherish forever and I will miss her deeply.

I am mostly writing this post, though, to ask that prayers would go out for my grandpa. It's difficult to imagine how hard it would be to be married for almost 59 years and then be alone. My heart is heavy for him and I just pray for God to give him the strength and comfort that he needs. May God intimately comfort my grandpa and each one of their children and all of us grandchildren as we learn to live without her. Thanks for your prayers.


Justine said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I know how special she was to you, and the kids. I will keep you and your grandpa in my prayers. I love you guys very much. Please give the kids hugs for me.

Rachel said...

Sorry for your loss. Time helps but you never quite get over a major loss. I've lost both my grandpas and that was difficult. I still have my grandmas and am close with both; it would be a tremendous loss to lose one. I'll say some prayers for you today. Just imagine what her days are like. What hope we have in Christ.