Friday, October 17, 2008

About our Ministry

We've had a lot of people asking lately, so I thought I would summarize our road ministry for everyone. We're in transition between living a normal, work-to-pay-the-bills mode to work-for-Jesus-and-nothing-else mode. We're currently staying with friends after leaving our home and possessions behind, I'm doing full-time daycare for our friends' boys, and Pete's working out-of-state to raise funds for our ministry. We're hoping to have enough funds to buy our next home: an RV, by Christmas. Consequently, we have put a "Donate" link on the side of our blog. As soon as we have enough funds, we will pay cash for the RV and head out where God calls us. We're excited to get out there and do things such as:

1. Help families rebuild after floods, hurricanes, etc.;
2. Help build churches in order to reduce churches' debts;
3. Partner with ministries such as Compassion International and volunteer at their shows/events.

Last month, there was a desperate need for homeschooling families to come out and help the families in Iowa rebuild from the floods. Many opportunities like this come up and these are our opportunities to be God's hands and feet. We also know that there are many RVers out there that we will encounter that desperately need to be reminded of Jesus' love. A non-believing friend of ours from Oklahoma recently told us to keep on the path of our RV ministry, because he knew there was a serious need for people out there to hear our story and the freedom from being enslaved to debt that Jesus offers with the way the economy is going; a NON-BELIEVER said that!

If you would, please prayerfully consider donating to our ministry towards our RV fund. The link on our blog is secured through Paypal and all donations are tax-deductible. If you'd like, please leave your address or email it to me and I can send you one of our ministry brochures. Please also consider including our ministry and our family in your prayers; God is currently building us up in our faith and our strength in order to mold us into people who can minister for Him. Because of that, we have encountered many difficulties and tests. We know God is faithful and He promises to always provide a way out of temptation; we also know His plans will prosper and for that, we are so grateful!

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