Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oklahoma, Here We Come (Again)!

As some of you may know, we are moving back to Oklahoma in less than 2 weeks again! It seems like the same thing we did exactly one year ago, but there are a lot of changes. We have experienced so many new and exciting things in the last year and we thank the Lord for all that we have learned and all the blessings He has poured out on us.

The best way I can describe our journey over the past few months is by recollecting on the story of Abraham and Sarai in the Old Testament. God called them to leave their longtime home and led them to many different places where they experienced incredible tests and trials, including severe famine. I'm sure Abraham (and Sarai) were both questioning why God would make them leave their home to go to a place where there would be hardships that didn't seem to make sense, but Abraham is now remembered for his enduring faith in God. We have learned to stop asking God why He leads us around to different places and turn it into faith and trust since only God knows what's best for us. Like I say, "If we knew the answer to everything, there'd be no such thing as faith." He has proven so faithful to His promises and it has been so amazing to be in His loving care.

Our time here was such a blessing to us and while it's our home state, we can feel the familiar places and things from Oklahoma calling us back. Once again, God has worked His hand in our lives in miraculous ways to make it obvious we are to move back to Oklahoma. I can't say I'm going to miss the weather here! Here's a picture of our new home. Since we sold so much of our stuff, we were able to save money and get a much smaller home!

We'll be even closer to Route 66 this time so our blog name stands to remain. My favorite part is that we'll be closer than ever to our favorite dairy farm, Swan Dairy, where we enjoy getting farm fresh raw milk, cream, and cheese on a weekly basis!

Another story that a close friend of mine reminded me of was when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his one and only son, Isaac. This was the son Abraham waited for decades to have and was now following God's order to sacrifice him. Fortunately, it was only a test and Abraham proved faithful. When God called us to leave our home and most of our possessions a few months ago, we believe He was testing our faith to see if we would prove faithful. We proved that we love the Lord more than our things and now He is ready to give us the desires of our heart, which we realized one of which was not to live in an RV at this point in our children's lives! We look forward to many more blessings in the future which will most likely be a portion of our future postings. Thanks to so many of you in Minnesota who shared their homes with us. What a blessing it was to experience God's unconditional love through His servants!


Serving God with Lots of Love said...

WOW never new that!!
Keep in touch by my blog!!


Rachel said...

Ok, so I FINALLY checked out your blog again! So glad I did, what a blessing it was to read. You have quite a testimony through all you've been through and can minister to many b/c of your experiences. And yes, you have more than proven that you are willing to give up anything in order to follow God's leading. That is such a powerful analogy to what Abraham also had to go through. Wow! Love you guys.