Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Been So Long. . .

Wow! I lived for years without a computer and then suddenly, three months without it seems excruciating! Our house was struck by lightning and it fried my computer's motherboard AND our modem. Geek Squad couldn't seem to fix it successfully and after three attempts and three months, they decided to give us a replacement.

What a lot has happened in those three months too. The most notable, of course, is an unexpected but much celebrated pregnancy. We thought we should be done having children, God thought otherwise. For two months, I was incredibly sick and tired and completely unable to do anything. Thankfully, I am now eating and maybe even gaining the weight back that I lost while I was sick. We are very excited and will be finding out in just a few short weeks if God is adding a boy or a girl to our family. Of course there'll be a post for that (provided we don't have any more computer problems!).

Also by God's grace, we are planning a much anticipated trip to see so many of you for Christmas soon. It will be wonderful to see everyone and rejoice together over the many wonderful things God is doing! So we'll hope to see y'all soon!!! In the meantime, may your Christmas be a wonderful time of new life and blessings!


Justine said...

I am so excited that you guys are adding an addition to your family!!!!!!!!!! It would be really nice to see you guys over Christmas!!!! I miss you guys like crazy!!!

Dana said...

Hi Sara,
I just wanted to quick say congratulations on your baby! We're very happy that God is blessing you with another child. We are expecting one as well. I'm 29 weeks along and due Feb. 26th with a baby GIRL!!! We are still amazed at God's goodness. I hope all is well for you and your family.

Blessings, Dana