Thursday, February 18, 2010

Celebrating the Third Trimester

To celebrate the first day of the third trimester of this pregnancy #5, I thought I'd share some belly pictures, especially since we can't see so many of you in person. The kids think it's neat (although Vince would probably prefer the word "weird"-you know how teenage boys are about that kind of stuff) that at one time they were each in the same womb where baby Malachi now is.
Pete and I, of course, think it's absolutely AWESOME! Really, though, the kids are so excited. I would dare say Faith is the most excited. She kisses and rubs my belly almost as much as Daddy does. If this trimester goes anywhere near as fast as the second trimester, it'll be too quick! But I know we're just getting more and more anxious to meet Malachi, so that'll be okay!

1 comment:

Justine said...

Malachi is such a cute name!!! Miss you guys!!! Hope you are enjoying the warmth of Oklahoma :)