Wednesday, April 28, 2010

God's Smallest Messenger

Well, after 5 weeks of bedrest, we made it to 35 weeks and 3 days before God's smallest messenger, Malachi Steven Poff, made his entrance into the world. Malachi, meaning "my messenger", was the name we picked early on in our pregnancy when we found out the meaning of this name. When we found out we were pregnant, we knew God was giving us a very obvious message. That message was even though we didn't think we should have any more children because of financial and family difficulties, God looked at so many other things. He saw the desire deep in my heart to have another child, and He had a plan for this little guy before we even knew we would be pregnant with him. God assured us through this pregnancy that He would be our provider and we wouldn't have to worry. We know God's plan for Malachi may be found in Malachi 2:7: "For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction--because he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty." This verse will definitely hold Pete and I accountable to raise him with godly knowledge and instruction!

Weighing in at 5 pounds, 6 ounces and 19 inches long, he came to us very suddenly on Sunday night, April 18th. We arrived at the hospital at 9pm and at 10:50pm, he came before my doctor finished putting his gloves on. I am thankful that my labor was very fast and thankful that we made it five more weeks, but do wish deep down that he could have waited just another week or two! But we are so happy he is here safely. Unfortunately, he was admitted to the NICU, where we still are as of 4/28/10. His breathing was very shallow and his lungs were too weak, so his first couple of days were spent on a ventilator.
Just like my other two preemies, he also needed a little time with his sunglasses on under the bili lights.
At ten days old, we're still in the NICU but he's doing much better. He's off the ventilator and on just a little bit of oxygen. We're working on bottle feeding so we can progress to nursing, but he still gets most of his food through a feeding tube. He's had IV's in his head and both hands, but those are all out now! He was in an incubator but is now regulating his own body heat! Lots of areas to start with, but now there are only the oxygen and feeding issues to overcome.
Of course, things are kind of crazy for us! God's message that Malachi is bringing us now is from Romans 5:3-5, where we can trust that God is building up our character and giving us hope. We are blessed to be at a hospital that has a wonderful NICU facility where each baby gets their own room with a couch for mom and/or dad to sleep on. Since I was discharged, I've been able to stay in his room every day while Pete holds down the fort at home. He's doing an awesome job with the kids, keeping them on track with chores, schoolwork, grocery shopping, and of course getting time at the skatepark! At night, we switch and I go home to cuddle with the kids while he gets some time with Malachi. Of course, I don't get to sleep since I'm pumping milk for our little guy every 3 hours. But it's still nice to "sleep" at home and cuddle with my little Gabers! During the day at the hospital, we are getting into a routine where every 3 hours, I get to take Malachi's temp, change his diaper, and get him ready for his feeding. Then I usually just cuddle with him for a while before I have to "make" another bottle for him. It'll be nice to change him, feed him, and hold him without so many cords and machines attached!
I think the hardest thing, though, has been the NICU's no-siblings-under-18-policy for flu season. That means that the kids haven't even got to meet their new little brother yet. Hopefully, it will make their first meeting that much more wonderful!
We are thankful beyond words for everyone's prayers, support, and encouragement. What a time of blessing and God's presence!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Resurrection Day--Easter 2010

What a beautiful day this Easter Sunday was! There's just something about needing good weather for Easter, and not just for the egg hunt! So after Pete took the kids to the Easter service at church and I did my own bedrest "service" from home, Pete and Vince hid eggs around the yard. Faith, Dylan, and Gabie had a blast finding them, although Vince hid Dylan's eggs almost too good! (Brothers, aren't they great?!)
Once Gabie started to lose interest, Faith decided she would help him find his eggs. I should've taken a picture of some of the eggs where Vince hid them for Dylan; one was up on top of the basketball hoop frame where Dylan couldn't reach, but he eventually spotted it!
Here's Gabie's idea of smiling for a picture; the nose-picking habit has commenced! "Gabie, take your finger out of your nose for the next picture, please!"
That's better!
Now that the eggs are all found, it's time to count the pennies!

I thought I'd also share this next picture. My Gabie is still such a great cuddler; he still likes to fall asleep with Mommy once in a while and I can't pass that up, especially when he rubs my belly and talks to his little brother! Precious times that I'll cherish forever! (Now I'm normally not big on posting pics of my bare skin, but this is just too special to not share. Just ignore the stretch marks that so easily showed up in the picture!)

Hope your Easter was just as blessed!