Friday, December 21, 2007

Goodbye River of Life Church

Saying goodbye to our second family at River of Life Church has been really tough. We've met some amazingly wonderful and encouraging brothers and sisters in Christ there and are sad to go so soon. Pastor Bob and Grandma Ann have eased our hearts and spirits during this transition and we are so thankful for their love and support. It was especially nice to have Grandma Ann as Faith's Sunday School teacher.

Dylan's teachers were amazing this year too!

Dylan also met his very first best friend, Carter, in Sunday School.

Dylan will definitely miss Carter and we will all miss everyone at River of Life and hope to stay in touch!


Rachel said...

We will all miss you too. I've meant to email you back. I really had good intentions of brining you a deliciously healthy meal. Are you still leaving on the 27th? If its later, I still may be able to. So glad you have this blog...

BlessedCP said...

Charles misses Vince so much already. Glad you have a blog so we can keep tabs. Your new home in OK looks GREAT, big with lots of personality.
We pray this will be a time of blessing for all of you.