Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas with Family

It was so nice to be able to have Christmastime right before leaving. While it was bittersweet, it was the best way to say our goodbyes. We went to Grandma Hanson's party on the 22nd (my mom's) without Pete since he was still in Oklahoma.

The kids and I had a blast and Gabie even sat on Uncle Derek's (my brother) lap for a while!

That really meant a lot to me because I've missed my little brother so much all the years he was in the navy. Now that he's back in Minnesota, I'm so sad to be moving away from him. But I am so darn proud of him. He grew up so much while he was gone and he is such a handsome, responsible man!

I know you're really not going to like me for this mom, but I couldn't have a blog about Christmas in Minnesota without this picture. Along with the kids, I am really going to miss you Mom! Thanks for a wonderful Christmas party! (Don't start crying Mom!!!)

1 comment:

baby-doll327 said...

That was a really fun day, and I'm so glad EVERYONE was there (well, minus Pete, unfortunately :-( ), so it was nice that we could all be together while saying goodbye to you all. Luckily, I didn't even think about the fact that that was the last day I'd see you before you left... Otherwise, I'd've been sad all day!
I'm glad you got there safe and are enjoying it! Love and miss you all so much!
