Saturday, January 5, 2008

Route 66 Drive to the Dairy Farm

We found a dairy farm and figured, because of the temperature outside, it would be a great day to check it out for the first time. So we hopped on Historic Route 66 for the first time and drove about 15 miles northeast to Claremore. That's where we found the Swan Brothers Dairy Farm where you can watch them milk the cows between 3 and 5 pm everyday. They also sell milk, cheese, and other things for, of course, great prices as farms normally do. (I like this picture of Dylan because it shows how he's been wearing his Minnesota Twins hat everyday since we've been here in Oklahoma! We've had people ask if we are from Minnesota while we're wearing Minnesota attire and then they'll tell us they knew we were from there because of our accent (not because of what we're wearing!))

This is in front of the window where you can watch the cows being milked. The farmer inside was really nice and kept waving to us, and the kids learned words like "udder" and "raw." We also learned that from two milkings a day, each cow gives about 7 gallons of milk! We bought our milk, a couple of cheeses to try, some farm fresh cream and headed back home on Route 66.

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