Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Faith's 1st Rebirthday!

Today we celebrated Faith's rebirthday. It's been one year since she asked Jesus into her heart and become reborn. Instead of cake, she wanted carob chip cookies. So we put one candle into her cookie and sang "Happy Rebirthday." Daddy brought home flowers for her and we spent the day discussing ways that we act differently after we are reborn and all the wonderful things that come with being a daughter of The King. Papa asked what a rebirthday is, and we explained to him that it's a celebration of the day when you are reborn. We discussed that we all have a physical birth and then for those of us who believe and confess that Jesus is Lord, have a spiritual birth in which we are reborn and adopted into God's family. Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3: . . ."no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

I'll never forget that special day one year ago. (The above picture was taken around that time a year ago.) We were reading our Bible study for school that morning and Faith, out of the blue, said that she wanted to say that special prayer for Jesus to be in her heart. I asked her if she was sure and explained more what it meant. She said she was sure and so we prayed together. I couldn't believe the maturity she displayed but then quickly remembered that God did name her "Faith." We immediately called Daddy at work and told him. He was sad that he couldn't be there, but was really surprised and excited. Our beautiful little Faith!

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That is such a great idea! Recently Wes just asked to ask Jesus into his heart. I took a picture of it but never thought to blog it. Love the Rebirthday idea!