Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Friends in OK

Through our new church homeschool group down here, we had the opportunity to meet some new friends. The Ralston family has four kids, all the same ages as our kids! They homeschool, go to our church, and are health nuts like us! Vince
met their oldest son Zac in church class one Sunday and came home talking about the new friend he had met. That evening, his mom, Melissa, called me up and we found out just how much our families have in common. Melissa and I are the same age, her and her husband got married the same year as Pete and me, and she LOVES homemade and organic food! So after church a couple of Sundays ago, we had the pleasure of enjoying their company at our home. Here's all eight kids:

Faith's new friend just happened to have the same name as her favorite princess from a Barbie movie, Annaliese! Needless to say, they clicked right away:
Gabie, on the other hand, wasn't so sure what to do with another little one his age. They had some good moments though:

Lately, through the problems with my Grandma's health failing, Melissa (the other mom) has been a wonderful prayer warrior for Grandma. Thanks Melissa! It means more than you'll know! And thanks to all the Ralstons for a fun day/night!

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