Friday, July 11, 2008

Visiting in MN

We've arrived safe and sound in Minnesota after our sudden emergency decision to go. Pete's truck's transmission blew up halfway through Missouri, so we decided to pack up, pick him up, and come be nomads staying with friends and family in Minnesota for a couple of weeks. The drive was a nightmare (our rabbit died on the way, the kids were traumatized for life, and Gabie never wants to ride in the van again!), but it was worth it! I was so glad to be able to see my grandma today. Her health has been failing and I felt so helpless being in Oklahoma and not being able to see her or anything. We'll all keep the prayers going for her!

We had our first annual Wii bowling tournament today! It was so fun, I think we'll make it a tradition. I won first place, my oldest sister's twin sons, DJ and Parker, took 2nd and 3rd respectively, then Vince, Grandma, and Dylan. It was so much fun.

Faith started feeling left out so we taught her how to play. She got a score of 123 her first game!
As always, Gabie found goofy ways to entertain himself.
What a blessing our time has been so far. We hope to see everyone we possibly can before we go back to 100 degree weather in Oklahoma!

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