Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Selling it All!

We've been running around like chickens with our heads cut off doing a garage sale, packing, cleaning the house, and closing up odds and ends down here. We had a garage sale last weekend and are having our last one this weekend, starting tomorrow. We sold about 2/3 of our possessions last weekend and are just trying to sell off the remaining things this weekend. What an experience it has been! As you're sitting in your house right now, look around you and imagine all the things you would have to sell in order to live in an RV! It's a little scary thinking about how much it would cost to restock an entire household, but we'll keep the bare essentials and that's all that's important. Some of the things were really hard to let go of though but were very well received by customers who really wanted to gain from this venture! Can't say I blame them! One of the favorite items that went with a little fighting on behalf of the customers was my pair of refinished chairs. I bought these at a church garage sale a few years ago for $5 together. They were an icky oak finish with nasty, stained fabric and wheels on the bottoms of the chair legs. I refinished them in red mahogany stain and reupholstered them in a french providential-style red and gold upholstery fabric. I found a matching footstool and they were definitely my personal favorite! I think in the future, if we ever live in a house again, I'd love to refinish furniture and resell it. Who knows!? For now, here's the vision from God that we posted on our garage sale fliers:
1. To let go of our material possessions and live in an RV with our four homeschooled children;
2. To travel across the country assisting in service projects wherever our help is needed; and
3. To grow closer to and learn more about our Lord and Savior each day who redeemed us from our old way of life and to share this truth with those we meet on the road, saved and unsaved alike.
Our prayer is that our lives will glorify the Lord and that we will make the most of every breath He gives us on this earth before calling us Home.


Anonymous said...

wow good for you!!! Miss you guys not any more!!!
The Allard's

Praying Hard In OK said...

Miss You... Thank You for the things I got. Bish says HI... :)
Hope to hear from you soon.
Shanon Ching