Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Temporarily Signing Off. . .

Well, the house is pretty much packed up (or what's left) and we're getting ready to leave bright and early Sunday morning. While we absolutely love it down here and love the house we just got to move into, when God calls, you go! We cannot even say how pumped we are to come and see everyone and especially that we'll get to be around long enough to spend the holidays with our friends and family. So until we arrive in Minnesota, we're signing off. . .


Anonymous said...

Hi! We were wondering if you would like to rent a house for a year or so. It might be better than a rv!!!

The Allard's

sjpoff said...

What could be better than taking your kids around the country in an RV without the burden of a mortgage/rent?!!!! Praise God for setting this mission on our hearts and helping us stay committed to His plans!

Anonymous said...

ok. Are you moving back to MN?!!

The Allard's

Anonymous said...

Keep in touch! We'll miss you. Praying God's will for your lives.
~Melissa Ralston