Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Successful (and once again temporary) Move!

We said goodbye to Oklahoma and all of our new friends there. There were some great kids in the neighborhood and we'll miss them lots! Here's Vince's friends Jordan and Paul.

Vince and his friend Paul got confused a few times because of how much they look alike. Here's the view from the rear. Can you guess which one is Vince?In the three months that we were in Collinsville, these boys had a great time.
It was extremely hard to say goodbye to Mr. Brian and the karate classes we were so blessed by. We will keep our prayers going for Mr. Brian's karate ministry. Check out his website to see all the places he's used karate to bring the news of Jesus to people in other countries:

Here's Faith and her friend from karate, one of the karate teachers.

When we came down to Oklahoma, we had a 26-foot truck stuffed to the MAX with our possessions. I was a bit disappointed, however, that after having a couple of mega garage sales, we still ended up with a 17-foot truck being almost filled upon returning to Minnesota. I was hoping we would have had even less than that, but it's definitely an improvement. We kept a few big things like our mattresses and our couch and dining room set for our stay at our friend's house.As always, it was a long, hard car ride back to Minnesota. We finally broke it up over two days and stayed in a hotel in Kansas City. The kids are definitely getting used to riding in the van for these drives and it was a huge improvement! It was our best drive ever considering that and the fact that the weather could not have been better! When we arrived in Minnesota, we pulled up at our friends' house to see the sign they made hanging on their front porch:

They have been so welcoming that I don't think I'll ever be able to show my gratitude. For those of you that don't know, here's as much of the painting/vision that God has given us:

From now until at least the end of the year, we will stay in our friend's basement for free in exchange for childcare/homeschooling of their two little boys. During that time, we are to pay off all of our debts in accordance with God's word in Romans 13:8: "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." We decided that this would only be possible by relieving ourselves from the burden of a house payment/rent and all the utility bills that follow. Pete will continue to work in whatever states God calls him to and when our debts are paid, we will hopefully be able to pay cash for our next home. That next home, as God has revealed to us, will be the RV that He will use for us to begin our ministry and serve others across the country. Until then, we know we are exactly where God has placed us and will enjoy every minute of it. We are definitely going to miss all of our new friends in Oklahoma but will make sure to visit in God's time with the RV. We are looking forward to catching up with all of our friends and family in Minnesota while we're here!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Are you going to come to River of Life to visit!! It would be nice to see you guys!

The Allard's

AngieDSimplyMe said...

I never "Met" you in real life... but I just want to let you know I enjoy your blog. I pray that God would prosper your hand as you work towards the vision God gave you!

Hopefully, one day our paths can cross... :)

Thanks for your free homeschooling website.

Angela in OK

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys here in Owasso. Hope you are doing good. May God watch over you in everything you do!!!
Shanon Ching in Owasso.

Rachel said...

Welcome to MN!! Hopefully we can connect soon!!