Monday, March 16, 2009

Culinary Adventures

Since I haven't posted some of my latest culinary adventures in a while, I thought now would be a good time. I've really gone out of my normal box and leaped into completely homemade, from scratch items. Here's an example:

I made my normal veggie burgers, but this time I made homemade maple baked beans and baked onion rings. From scratch, I mean that I bought dried beans (much cheaper) and cooked and froze them ahead of time for later use. The onion rings were still a little greasy but baked is still better than fried! The best part: this whole meal, to feed our family of six plus Papa AND have leftovers, cost around $10 total! (Oh-that's some homemade honey mustard on the side.)

Because of the summer-like weather we've had, I thought it would be a good time to make homemade frozen fruit pops. No objections from the kids here!

(Dylan's facial expression in this picture is hilarious! And now it is also obvious that we need the Lord to provide a few bucks for new pants for Dylan!)

Toasted cinnamon raisin bread is our family's Sunday morning tradition. It's a special but quick breakfast to have before church. Unfortunately, it can get expensive, especially when you want the whole wheat stuff without high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils! After a few different recipes, I finally found one that we liked the best. It's a whole wheat cinnamon raisin swirl bread. For mine and Pete's loaf (the recipe makes two loaves), I add sunflower nuts.

Here's my favorite dessert though: homemade angel food cake with fresh, sliced strawberries and homemade whipped cream made with fresh (as in from a milked cow in the last day or two) raw cream from the dairy farm! It makes much better whipped cream and it whips so much easier. This was my first time making homemade angel food cake, and it proved to be a bit of a science. I didn't read the directions exactly right and had to throw out the first batch. 20 eggs later and we have a delicious dessert!Hopefully, your mouth is watering at this point!

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