Monday, March 16, 2009

Tulsa Zoo!

This last Sunday, we had the wonderful pleasure of visiting the Tulsa Zoo. It was even better because Papa (my dad) came with! The weather was pretty nice and this zoo is huge! (Can you see the elephants in the background?)
This tiger gave us quite a show. It was only laying down for a minute. Papa started making some weird, low, growling sounds and it seemed to trigger a really strange reaction with the tiger. Every time Papa would make his sound, the tiger would start walking straight towards us, glaring at Papa, and would do his own low growl. It was almost scary the way Papa's growl triggered such a reaction.
This HUGE iguana also acted really strange towards us. The sign said that when threatened, they bob their head up and down. When we came up to him, he came as close to us as he could and laid completely on his belly as if in total submission. The kids thought he would make a good pet, except for the fact that he's about 4 or 5 feet long!
And of course, the boys' favorite attraction. In the rainforest attraction, they have an exhibit where the poison dart frogs are hopping around in a rocky soil area without any glass or wall separating the viewer from the frogs. They've occasionally hopped out but there are workers there to watch. Of course, you're not supposed to touch them because they're "poison" dart frogs. (Although, being the homeschoolers that we are, we know that these frogs wouldn't be poisonous. It's only the ones living in their native environment because their natural, native diet is what makes them poisonous! Mom also scored bonus points for knowing the name of certain monkeys' tails-"prehensile." That goes to show that the best teachers are the ones learning along with the kids, learning the things they forget or never learned in their own school days!)

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