Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring Fun!

Before I say anything, I want to start out sharing how much we miss our friends and family in Minnesota. Nothing but God's will and His plan can keep us away from you all, and that seems to be the case for now. So since we have to live away from ya'll, we are SO thankful that it's somewhere warmer. I must say, however, that this year has been way too cold for Oklahoma. Last year by this time, we had multiple 70-degree days and one or two 80-degree days. Today's 70 degree day was definitely worth the wait! The kids are still outside in the backyard right now; it's so hard to come inside!
We got some cute shots of Gabie outside. Yeah, he could use a haircut, but he still couldn't be any cuter, hey?
This picture reminds me of a junior male hair model with that serious look. Love it!

Yay--basketball!!!! Time to put the basketball hoop and cul-de-sac to use again. It's a nice feature of our home being at the end of the road. Here's Faith using a volleyball for her basketball. (It's lighter so she can get it up higher:)

The kids got a shot of me playing some basketball too. I hope my specialist doc doesn't see this picture! I might get in trouble:)

Super athlete Dylan going up for a lay-up;
And Vince going for one too.
I thought I'd share my new view of my feet---THEY'RE GONE! This is my birds-eye view with the belly. Too funny not to share.

We all thought my brown shirt and belly went well with the basketball so here's a "shot" of that. (Cheesy pun, I know.) I think we're just about the same size, wouldn't you say? I'll have Vince take another picture like this in the next eight weeks before Malachi's born to see if we get bigger than my basketball!

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