We'll be even closer to Route 66 this time so our blog name stands to remain. My favorite part is that we'll be closer than ever to our favorite dairy farm, Swan Dairy, where we enjoy getting farm fresh raw milk, cream, and cheese on a weekly basis!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Oklahoma, Here We Come (Again)!
We'll be even closer to Route 66 this time so our blog name stands to remain. My favorite part is that we'll be closer than ever to our favorite dairy farm, Swan Dairy, where we enjoy getting farm fresh raw milk, cream, and cheese on a weekly basis!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"Money, Possessions, & Eternity"
I can't go into listing all or even some of the scriptures that Alcorn uses in his book because there are more verses on the topic of money in the Bible than there are on both prayer and faith combined! Essentially, though, the inevitable truth is that we are all going to have to give an account to God when we stand before His throne for every cent that He entrusted to us. Every penny we get is from Him and it is up to us as to how we use it. Whether you've given your heart to the Lord or not, you will have to answer whether you used His resources for your own gain or to further the kingdom of heaven.
After listing many scriptures and points, Alcorn says that in order to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant," we must be faithful with what He entrusts to us. After all, we are merely stewards of everything we are given. Do we hoard possessions, money, and resources for our own gain, making this world "comfortable" for us, only to find eternal discomfort? As the Bible states in the parable of the Rich Man, your life could be demanded from you tonight and you will be empty-handed before the Throne of God. As the saying goes, "You never see a U-Haul following a hearse." This is a tough truth and not one many people like to discuss. If people find it offensive, is that our heart's way of avoiding conviction? Considering the amount of scripture on this topic, it must be very important to God that we discuss it and encourage each other rather than wait until the day of judgment when it's too late. I'm choosing to stand before Him and say that I followed this truth and encouraged others towards it.
There's obviously a lot more to this book, but the majority of it centers around how our giving (or lack thereof) is the fruit that displays where our hearts are. Do we make our 80 or so years of life on this earth comfortable or strive to make our millions of years in heaven be filled with reward? The Bible is very clear that when we get to heaven (given that our hearts are dedicated to the Lord and we go there), we will be rewarded according to what we have done with what God has given us. Alcorn recommends choosing a specific standard of living that isn't at a level of luxury and then giving to the Lord's causes everything above and beyond that. For those who aren't "rich," he reminds us that we are in the top 15% of the world's wealthiest if we have two cars, electronics, and a home. Do we use our income to the fullest and maximize what kind of house we can have? These truths really hit home with me as this was our train of thought less than 2 years ago.
Anyway, this is a must-read for all of God's children. What you hear from God when you face Him on judgment could, and very well may, depend on it. I have put a link to his ministry on the links section-it's Eternal Perspectives Ministry.
With Hope for Eternal Rewards,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
There are also many great books available at the library. Our family's favorite is called "A Turkey for Thanksgiving" by Eve Bunting. Bunting is an incredible author with many excellent books published. This book is a cute story about a group of woodland animals who go out to get a turkey for thanksgiving. In the end, the turkey is pleasantly surprised to find that he will be sitting in a chair for thanksgiving and not be on a platter. We don't just like it because we're vegetarians; we liked this book when we still enjoyed turkey for Thanksgiving. We've also found some great chapter books for older kids. As some of you may know, we are very particular about the books/movies, etc, that our kids read/watch. The books we've found were recommended by another Christian homeschooling group. If you're interested in some of the titles of these books, let me know and I can get them to you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Autumn Celebration Pics
We got out and enjoyed lots of different activities for our autumn field trips this year in brisk Minnesota! It's probably a good thing that we weren't in Oklahoma until after fall last year otherwise this fall in Minnesota would have felt a whole lot cooler! We know the winter will definitely throw us for a loop. This is the kids at the pumpkin patch for u-pick pumpkins. We've usually bought our pumpkins at greenhouse stores so this was a real treat. The little ones especially liked riding in the wagon.
They also had this huge straw tower for the kids to climb on. I like this picture (above) because it looks like the cover for a kids country album!
And Dylan did his favorite activity: filling up his shirt with the corn. We told him he needs to cut back on eating fast food!
Friday, October 17, 2008
About our Ministry
1. Help families rebuild after floods, hurricanes, etc.;
2. Help build churches in order to reduce churches' debts;
3. Partner with ministries such as Compassion International and volunteer at their shows/events.
Last month, there was a desperate need for homeschooling families to come out and help the families in Iowa rebuild from the floods. Many opportunities like this come up and these are our opportunities to be God's hands and feet. We also know that there are many RVers out there that we will encounter that desperately need to be reminded of Jesus' love. A non-believing friend of ours from Oklahoma recently told us to keep on the path of our RV ministry, because he knew there was a serious need for people out there to hear our story and the freedom from being enslaved to debt that Jesus offers with the way the economy is going; a NON-BELIEVER said that!
If you would, please prayerfully consider donating to our ministry towards our RV fund. The link on our blog is secured through Paypal and all donations are tax-deductible. If you'd like, please leave your address or email it to me and I can send you one of our ministry brochures. Please also consider including our ministry and our family in your prayers; God is currently building us up in our faith and our strength in order to mold us into people who can minister for Him. Because of that, we have encountered many difficulties and tests. We know God is faithful and He promises to always provide a way out of temptation; we also know His plans will prosper and for that, we are so grateful!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Homemade Applesauce
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Visit with Grandpa
(I like this picture because my grandpa, who normally doesn't smile much, especially considering the circumstances, is smiling at the kids.) Dylan ate at least 3 apples before we even left there and asked for another one on the way home! We're hoping to try our hand at homemade applesauce.
Grandpa then decided to bless us with more good food and showed the kids how to dig up potatoes. The kids thought it was pretty neat that you couldn't even tell anything was growing there (aside from the horseradish) and with the twist of a pitchfork, voila!
Grandpa invited us back next week because he said he'd be taking out the tractor to dig up the rest of the potatoes. Speaking of tractors, the kids (and Pete) had lots of fun trying out Grandpa's new John Deere's!
We had a really hard time getting Gabie off of the tractors, but there were so many things to do that he eventually just moved on. Grandpa sent us home with a total of 4 bags of apples, 1 big bag of potatoes, a bag of tomatoes (including his famous cherry tomatoes), zucchini and cukes. He blessed us so much that I just hope our visit was half as much a blessing to him. Thanks to everyone who has been keeping him in their prayers.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sorrowful Weekend
I am mostly writing this post, though, to ask that prayers would go out for my grandpa. It's difficult to imagine how hard it would be to be married for almost 59 years and then be alone. My heart is heavy for him and I just pray for God to give him the strength and comfort that he needs. May God intimately comfort my grandpa and each one of their children and all of us grandchildren as we learn to live without her. Thanks for your prayers.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A Successful (and once again temporary) Move!
Vince and his friend Paul got confused a few times because of how much they look alike. Here's the view from the rear. Can you guess which one is Vince?In the three months that we were in Collinsville, these boys had a great time.
It was extremely hard to say goodbye to Mr. Brian and the karate classes we were so blessed by. We will keep our prayers going for Mr. Brian's karate ministry. Check out his website to see all the places he's used karate to bring the news of Jesus to people in other countries:
Here's Faith and her friend from karate, one of the karate teachers.
When we came down to Oklahoma, we had a 26-foot truck stuffed to the MAX with our possessions. I was a bit disappointed, however, that after having a couple of mega garage sales, we still ended up with a 17-foot truck being almost filled upon returning to Minnesota. I was hoping we would have had even less than that, but it's definitely an improvement. We kept a few big things like our mattresses and our couch and dining room set for our stay at our friend's house.As always, it was a long, hard car ride back to Minnesota. We finally broke it up over two days and stayed in a hotel in Kansas City. The kids are definitely getting used to riding in the van for these drives and it was a huge improvement! It was our best drive ever considering that and the fact that the weather could not have been better! When we arrived in Minnesota, we pulled up at our friends' house to see the sign they made hanging on their front porch:
They have been so welcoming that I don't think I'll ever be able to show my gratitude. For those of you that don't know, here's as much of the painting/vision that God has given us:
From now until at least the end of the year, we will stay in our friend's basement for free in exchange for childcare/homeschooling of their two little boys. During that time, we are to pay off all of our debts in accordance with God's word in Romans 13:8: "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." We decided that this would only be possible by relieving ourselves from the burden of a house payment/rent and all the utility bills that follow. Pete will continue to work in whatever states God calls him to and when our debts are paid, we will hopefully be able to pay cash for our next home. That next home, as God has revealed to us, will be the RV that He will use for us to begin our ministry and serve others across the country. Until then, we know we are exactly where God has placed us and will enjoy every minute of it. We are definitely going to miss all of our new friends in Oklahoma but will make sure to visit in God's time with the RV. We are looking forward to catching up with all of our friends and family in Minnesota while we're here!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Temporarily Signing Off. . .
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Home Church
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Selling it All!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Recollecting on Oklahoma
I'm reading this book called "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn (thanks again Rachel!), and here's a section I'd like to share:
"For every American who believes he's going to Hell, there are 120 who believe they're going to Heaven. This optimism stands in stark contrast to Christ's words in Matthew 7:13-14: 'Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.'"
"No one goes [to heaven] automatically. Unless our sin problem is resolved, the only place we will go is our true default destination. . .Hell. We dare not 'wait and see' when it comes to what's on the other side of death. We shouldn't just cross our fingers and hope that our names are written in the Book of Life (Revelation 21:27). We can know, we should know, before we die. And because we may die at any time, we need to know NOW, not next month or next year. The voice that whispers , 'There's no hurry; you can think about this later,' is not God's voice."
Because it's of utmost importance, I would move across the country again if it meant one person's salvation and receipt of eternal life. Praise God for His love towards each one of us!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
It's Too Hot!
For the days where evening time finds itself in the 90's, we turn on the $10 sprinkler and the kids have a blast. Gabie cries and throws tantrums to play in the sprinkler, so we've concluded that it's virtually useless to spend tons of money on pools and trips to waterparks. If the kids can continue to have this much fun with a $10 sprinkler IN OKLAHOMA'S SUMMER, than kids anywhere don't need a ton of money either, right?!
Pray for us, that we won't need to spend another summer down here! I really hope it doesn't get any hotter than this, although I've heard rumors of 115! Tomorrow's high is supposed to be around 106, with a heat index of over 110 I think. Oh well! In the meantime, we'll be thankful for the blessings we have to get us through this weather, like air conditioning (in the house, unfortunately not in the vehicles!), water, homemade strawberry yogurt popsicles, and a yard to play in!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Washing Feet
We talked about how Satan fills us with this "deserving" lie. We think we "deserve" this or that. We worked hard for it, or we're older, or we paid for it. Jesus earned everything we could ever give Him, but he doesn't "lord" it over us. Also, in the story of Abraham in Genesis, you'll see that same example. Abraham, who was Lot's uncle, let Lot choose which land he wanted. By all rights, Abraham was the one in a position to be choosing first. He was older, had received God's covenant and blessing, and had great wealth. Instead, he made peace and let Lot choose. Hopefully, the message went to the kids' hearts. God does say that His word will not return empty, so we are believing this lesson will rest in our children's hearts forever. As far as short-term benefits, the kids later fought about who would go first. Instead, this time, they argued that the other one should go first!!! What do you do?!