Saturday, January 5, 2008

69 DEGREES in Oklahoma!!!!!!!

What a beautiful fall day (in January!) we had today in Oklahoma! I think the official high was 69 degrees, which is Tulsa's all-time record high. The only reason the kids were wearing sweatshirts in these pictures is because it was in our back yard which is all shaded from big oak and maple trees. Hence, the leaves!
Watch out Gabie, here comes Vince!

It was one of those times where God gives you one of those small blessings you forgot you asked for. A few months ago at our house in Zimmerman, I had told Pete that I wished we had trees so we could have leaves to rake up and jump in. He thought it was pretty strange that I was actually asking for leaves in our yard, but it's been a fall tradition since I was a little girl to jump in leaves. My dad has pictures of my siblings and I doing it when we were really little. When Pete came home from work today and saw these pictures, he reminded me of that wish I had a few months ago.

It's been so many months since I remember temperatures this warm and we all loved it! These pics were taken late afternoon-ish, so the temp had already started dropping a little. We first went out front at lunchtime where the sun shines, and we all got pretty warm with long-sleeves on. Tomorrow's forecast looks about the same, so we'll go do some sight-seeing after visiting our new church for the first time.

1 comment:

Justine said...

Miss you guys so much. It is still so hard to think that you guys are so far away. It is nice that its warm down there. Miss you guys so much