Thursday, June 19, 2008

Critter Update 1

After many promises, here is our critter update. The heavy rains have caused turtles to wander, and we have found two new ornate box turtles. That brings our total turtle tally (say that three times fast) to 4; one for each kid. They have their own "pen" in the backyard so that they can catch their own bugs and eat plants, but we also feed them veggies. The food in the picture is their all-time favorite; canned box turtle food from the pet store. It comes in cans like cat food but costs quite a bit more! The two in this picture are named June (my personal favorite) and Lightning. June, who we've had for a while now, is technically Vince's and is the most outgoing. She's really getting used to us and comes out of her "house" when she hears us coming outside. Lightning, one of the new ones, is Dylan's turtle and I think he named her that because she's fast and looks like she's got lightning strikes on her back. One of the other new ones is a really small ornate box turtle; her name is Junior and it's only fitting that because of her size, she would be Gabie's. The other one that we've had for a while is Bob; he's Faith's three-toed box turtle. He's a major recluse and doesn't socialize much. Maybe it's because he's self conscious that he doesn't look like the other turtles (or maybe it's cuz he's the only male surrounded by three females!). The kids love taking them out and racing them around the back yard.
Vince now also has a tree frog of his own. This one is similar to Dylan's but much, much smaller, so Vince named him "Kiwi." We're learning new things about animals all the time. Dylan wants to be a herpetologist when he grows up (a person who studies amphibians). He's constantly learning about frogs and other critters and the kids are always hoping we'll find new things. We have found a lot of other things, like a very large toad when we were mowing today. We put him in a bin until we were done mowing. The kids were sad that we had to let him go, but they know it's not a good idea to take a bunch of animals out of their natural habitat. Vince also saw a snake today while mowing and after some internet research, discovered that it was a lined snake. They are black with a white stripe and are known to be in the Owasso area. I'm so thankful for these natural learning opportunities!

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