Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Before Pete woke up, Dylan had his "Happy Father's Day" sign taped to the wall in the living room next to the fireplace. The critters lining the bottom of the picture are, from left to right, fish, skink, frog (on top of a lily pad), and a snake.
Aside from the standard dad-type gifts we all got for Pete, the kids made their homemade gifts and wrapped them in things like doll blankets and handkerchiefs. Dylan made a jumbo duct tape wallet; we're still trying to figure out exactly what Faith's homemade gift is.
The kids saw this card at the store and had to get it for Pete. It is one of the sound cards. In case you can't see the tiny words in the picture, it says on the front: "Across the centuries and the galaxies, one question has plagued mankind-"Why?" And dads have the answer. . ." When you open the card, it says in Darth Vader's masked voice, "I am your father." In parentheses, the inside of the card then says "(That's why!)"
Unfortunately, I forgot to get pictures of our Father's Day brunch which I was blessed to have my dad here for. It was really a nice thing for me that he was down here for Father's Day so for our omlettes, I bought him ham. He usually likes bacon too, but I apologized and told him I wouldn't be able to do that! He understood and we all had a really nice time with him and Derek for our Father's Day brunch 2008.

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