Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby Update-20 weeks

Today was our appointment with the perinatologist. We were referred to the specialist because I have always been high-risk (for preterm labor, preeclampsia, etc.) and our last ultrasound showed what looked like an irregular mass inside the womb. Today's 4-D Ultrasound showed us that we have nothing to worry about! There were no more tumors or anything irregular and the baby is in perfect health. It seems I am at least a week farther along than we estimated so our due date is May 20th. (In the picture below, you can see the baby's hand and arm against the side of his face on the left side of the picture.)

Oh, yeah, and "it" is a "he!" Yes, a fourth boy with sweet little Faith stuck smack dab in the middle! She admits she wanted a sister but is so excited to be a big sister again. She's happy that she'll be old enough to change diapers and do so much more to help out. She also likes that our Mommy-and-Faith Girl Time will remain the special time for just the two of us girls.

The specialist had me schedule a follow-up visit with him in three weeks where he said if we bring in a blank DVD, he can record a video of the baby for us during that checkup. Technology is pretty cool, huh? (Some of it anyway:) This way, the fifth baby isn't going to be one of those younger siblings that doesn't even get a baby book! No names are on the list yet, so we'll gladly take suggestions. Of course, if you know us, you know we like strong and uncommon names, preferably Biblical in origin. God has made it very obvious that He has a very sure plan and future for this child, so it would be nice if we could find a way to remind this child of that in his name.
Thank you everyone for your prayers; they have definitely been answered thus far. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude for God that He is graciously giving us so many of His precious, wonderfully healthy, little ones. It is our prayer that this baby continues to grow healthy and strong and that we will once again be blessed with a safe and natural delivery when the time comes. Of course, we'll be posting plenty of updates before then!

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