Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm so in love. . .

The video recording malfunctioned during today's appointment with the specialist so we have this great new photo for now. Can you see why I'm so in love? As I type this, our new little guy makes me well aware of his presence as always with constant kicks, rolls, and hiccups. I love those reminders of our precious new life. I will say that we have pretty much decided on a name but realize there is plenty of time left in which we might change our minds:)

Doc said the baby is growing extremely well and on track and is surrounded by a slight excess of amniotic fluid. Basically he said that just means there is room for twins in there and is just what happens after a woman's womb has held this many other little lives. We cannot thank God enough for the good report each month so far and for blessing us with His children. They are truly the richest, most joyful blessing aside from the gift of salvation through Christ.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a blessing! Can't wait to see pics of this sweet little tyke. :)