Friday, January 22, 2010

Weather & The Creator

We've been studying weather for science and decided to make rainsticks. Of course, we didn't have any empty cardboard tubes, so we now have tube-less rolls of Christmas wrapping paper in the attic:) Paper towel rolls would have worked but the longer ones are so much more fun!

We filled our tubes with rolled up brown paper bags to create the filter for our rice. With paper and duct tape on each end to prevent rice from being found all over the house, the kids went to town decorating with stickers and markers. Whenever the kids do projects with markers that are going to be handled a lot, it seems their hands get covered in marker stains every time they play with it. So this time we covered the decorated tubes with clear contact paper. Voila!

We discussed how people that don't believe in God would often conduct dances and rituals to try and make the rains come and fall on their crops. We talked about how even when we know and love God, we sometimes have a tendency to try and do things on our own without acknowledging God first. On each rainstick, we wrote the verse:

"Sing to the Lord and give thanks to Him. He covers the sky with clouds. He supplies the earth with rain. He makes grass grow on the hills." (Psalm 147:7a & 8)

The truth planted in our hearts today is that God is the one in charge. He's not just some dictator that makes things happen for amusement. He is a perfectly loving Father that makes things happen for good, because He can't be or do something He isn't. We can either put our complete trust in Him or try (unsuccessfully) to make things happen our own way. (I wonder each day if I'll ever stop going back and forth between those two extremes in this life:) Proverbs 16:9 says,

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

Proverbs 19:21 also says,

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

Isn't it comforting to know that God already lovingly has each day planned out for us and all we need to do is live it, enjoy it, and thank Him for it?!

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